Friday, March 20, 2015

SOL - Day 20 - Resume

I have been wanting to revamp my resume for months now...but I keep procrastinating about it! What is up with that?! I have been pinning resumes and researching resumes and doing everything BUT working on MY actual resume. Writing is my specialty but for some reason I get writer's block when it comes to telling about my accomplishments.

Anyone else out there have this problem? Anyone want to revamp my resume for me????

This resume is getting done one way or another this weekend. It. Must. Happen.


  1. I feel your resume pain! Procrastinating on mine right now too. I haven't made one for myself in over ten years. I need one for a summer position and feel overwhelmed by it so I put it off. Good idea to pin some though- I hadn't even thought of that!

  2. The last three sentences say it all. The "have to" and the "must do" in those three words are a great way to end your slice and to communicate your true feelings on the matter. After spending weeks in review of resumes I can tell you many things NOT to do. And yet some truly told the story of the person. It's a nice challenge. Good luck!

  3. Writing resumes is difficult! I never thought of looking on pinterest for examples! I like to look at LinkedIn to get some ideas too. One page is too restrictive for me!

    Good luck.

    -Amanda at
